About Mediate Today
Mediate Today was launched in September 1994 to provide a fresh approach to dispute resolution in Australia.
Since 1994 the team at Mediate Today has worked to establish the organisation as one of Australia’s foremost, independent, specialist providers of ADR and related services to government, corporations, the professions and individuals.
We specialise in providing mediators, negotiators, facilitators, conciliators and adjudicators to assist parties resolve difficult disputes in a cost effective, mutually agreeable and speedy manner.
Mediate Today has been appointed as a Recognised Mediator Accreditation Body (RMAB) under the new National Mediator Accreditation System (NMAS) which commenced in 2015. All of our mediators are accredited under the NMAS.
The company is well known at all tiers of government. At the federal level, Mediate Today has been appointed by the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations to appoint mediators under the Alternative Dispute Resolution Assistance Scheme (ADRAS).
At the State level, Mediate Today has provided dispute resolution services to a range of government departments and agencies. We have also conducted mediator accreditation training for Public Schools NSW Regional Directors, the Far West District Health Service, Legal Aid NSW and others.
From 2001 to 2006, Mediate Today was appointed Ombudsman to the Produce and Grocery Industry providing national dispute resolution services in the produce and grocery industry.
A significant component of the service that we provide is to the local government organisations. This includes dispute resolution (mainly negotiation and mediation), community consultation and facilitation, workplace mediation and conflict resolution, team building as well as advisory services and conflict training to local government staff. We are also panel members for a number of Councils and frequently conduct Code of Conduct reviews and investigations.
As an RMAB, Mediate Today is a provider of ADR training services for large and small organisations, individuals, Local Government and State Government in New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria. We regularly conduct training programs for National Accreditation under the NMAS and in many aspects of dispute resolution covering mediation, conciliation, facilitation and collaborative dispute resolution.
The directors of Mediate Today are Robert Lopich and Lorraine Lopich. Please contact us for more information at:- mediate@mediate.com.au.