Our Code of Ethics
- To promote the objects of Mediate Today and to act in accordance with Our Code of Ethics, promoting professionalism and respect for the practice of Dispute Resolution.
- To uphold the integrity and fairness of the Dispute Resolution processes at all times.
- To conduct their professional lives with integrity, honesty and respect for the law and to behave in their private lives in a way that is consistent with this.
- To offer and undertake only those Dispute Resolution processes in which they are competent, have the appropriate experience and/or access to appropriate professional support and are qualified.
- To represent their qualifications and experience accurately and honestly.
- To distinguish their roles as Dispute Resolution practitioners from any other professional role in which they may act and to make this clear to participants.
- To provide frank and accurate information that enables potential participants to make an informed choice about whether and how to proceed including:
- a description of the proposed process, the qualifications, experience and obligations of the practitioner, and
- the fees and other expenses associated with the process and the basis on which these will be calculated and charged.
- To prepare appropriately for the process.
- To assess, as far as possible, the suitability of a dispute and of the parties to the dispute for the Dispute Resolution process being proposed and to proceed only if assessed as suitable.
- To disclose before the process, all known actual and potential conflicts of interest and to promptly disclose if they arise during DR process. The process may proceed with the agreement of the participants’, only if the Member is satisfied that the conflict or perception of a conflict will not impair the Member’s impartiality and independence.
- To inform and discuss with participants the procedural aspects of the process, confidentiality including its scope, the role of the Dispute Resolution practitioner and the roles of participants, their support people and advisers.
- To be faithful to the relationship of trust and confidentiality inherent in the role of Dispute Resolution practitioner.
- To use information gained during any Dispute Resolution process in that process only and not to act for any participant in any professional or other capacity in relation to the same subject matter.
- To communicate with participants even-handedly, respectfully and sensitively, using the method(s) appropriate to the process.
- To conduct the Dispute Resolution processes fairly, diligently and professionally, exhibiting independence and impartiality and putting the interests of participants above their own.
- To conduct the process in a timely manner and in accordance with the law.
- To engage in professional learning activities to develop and refine their Dispute Resolution knowledge and skills.
- To cooperate in establishing and maintaining the quality, qualifications and standards of Dispute Resolution practice.
- To suspend or terminate the Dispute Resolution process if it becomes evident that it is no longer appropriate or that it could be detrimental to one or more of the participants or to the practitioner.
- To comply diligently with the requirements of other schemes under which they are accredited or registered.
- To ensure that they are covered by the necessary insurances.
- To welcome feedback and cooperate in addressing any complaint, while maintaining appropriate confidentiality.
- Specifically, in relation to mediation, Members commit to:-
- uphold the principle of participant self-determination;
- support participants to explore issues, to identify interests, to generate and evaluate options and to make decisions about future outcomes and action;
- provide advice and/or expert information only where it enhances the decision-making of the participants; in circumstances where the participants have contracted before the process begins that such advice can be provided; and where practitioners have the appropriate qualifications and expertise to provide such advice.
For additional information Members are invited to refer to:
- National Mediator Accreditation System 2015 including the Approval Standards and the Practice Standards;
- National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council Principles for Resolving Disputes, April 2011;
- IMI Code of Professional Conduct.