As an RMAB, Mediate Today provides access to an independent complaints handling process developed by an industry forum coordinated by the Australian Dispute Resolution Association (ADRA) to address complaints made in respect of our accredited dispute resolution professionals and trainers.

Our approach is to provide a complaints handling process that complies with the requirements of the National Mediator Accreditation System (NMAS) and that is efficient, effective, fair and appropriate to the issues concerned.  The purpose is to encourage best practice in the handling of complaints by providing access to a professional and confidential process that is conducted by a complaints handler appointed by an external and highly respected organisation that is representative of the dispute resolution profession.

The process is designed to provide a dispute resolution process for consumers of alternative dispute resolution processes (ADR) and for ADR training providers.

If you would like to make a complaint in relation to a mediator or dispute resolution professional or an ADR trainer who is accredited by Mediate Today, we will need you in the first instance, to provide us with the name of dispute resolution professional or trainer.  To  make a complaint please either call Mediate Today on 1300 760 225 OR send an email to

For a complete explanation of the complaints handling process that will be followed in relation to a complaint that we refer to ADRA for resolution please visit:- .