10th Collaborative Law Conference, Dallas, Texas

group 1The use of Collaborative Law has made significant inroads into the resolution of family law disputes but there are many other types of ‘non-family’ disputes that are a perfect fit for collaborative dispute resolution.   Based in Dallas, Texas the Global Collaborative Law Council (GCLC) in conjunction with the Dallas Bar Association Collaborative Law Section, SMU Dedman School of Law and the Texas Centre for Legal Ethics will be presenting the 10th Annual Collaborative Law Practice Conference from 8 to 10 October 2014.

The conference will be held at the Dallas Bar Association, Belo Mansion in Dallas, Texas. This conference will deal with such issues as the use of Collaborative Practise beyond family dispute resolution. In addition, internationally recognised collaborative law presenter, Forrest S. “Woody” Mosten will lead a symposium on 8 October entitled ‘Unbundled Legal Services: Limited Scope Representation which will deal with the issues around the limited scope of representation pursuant to which collaborative lawyers are engaged.

For more information and to register go to:- www.collaborativelaw.us



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