Mediation is a tried and tested dispute resolution process. It is a structured dispute resolution process that is designed to assist parties involved in a dispute to design an outcome that will not only work for them in the short term but also in the long term. A court is limited in its ability to resolve issues between litigants because of
Being involved in a dispute can be extremely stressful because as everyone knows litigation is not only time consuming requiring hours of your valuable time to be spent with lawyers in providing instructions for the preparation of numerous court documents, affidavits and pleadings of various kinds but also extraordinarily expensive. Not only that, but it is also necessary for much litigation
Trade Practices cases involve such areas as price fixing, price discrimination, restraint of trade (including certain types of exclusive dealing eg. third line forcing), abuse of market power, misleading & deceptive conduct and unconscionable conduct. The Act provides certain product warranties for consumers, and extensive damages and other remedies can be awarded by the courts for breaches of the Trade
You do not have to pay a membership fee to be a member of an Recognised Mediator Accreditation Body (RMAB). The National Mediator Accreditation System (NMAS) requires that mediators wishing to become nationally accredited must be a member of a RMAB. However, the NMAS does not require that if you wish to become nationally accredited then you must also pay substantial
The COVID-19 virus and its various variants have impacted greatly on the lives and activities of everyone. It may not be over but there are at last some signs that we are emerging into a “new normal”. It may be a little early to say what exactly the “new” normal will look like but some of the “old” normal is
The new National Mediator Accreditation System (NMAS) came into effect from 1 July 2015. The new NMAS replaces the former Accreditation Standards and the Practice Standards. You can view the new Standards on the MSB website at:- These are essential reading not only for those who are planning to become mediators but also for all practitioners who intend to seek re-accreditation under